Cosmetic Dentistry in Phoenix, AZ

Are you experiencing a lack of self-confidence due to discolored, yellow, misshapen, or crowded teeth? At Desert Sage Family Dental, your local Phoenix dental office, our signature cosmetic dentistry services have been designed to provide patients with safe and effective treatments for glowing results!

patient smiling after a cosmetic dentistry procedure at Desert Sage Family Dental in Phoenix, AZOffering the top cosmetic dentistry services near Phoenix, AZ and beyond, Dr. Teiman takes into account the complete body health of her patients with every smile treatment. Addressing cosmetic concerns from a personalized standpoint ensures the best decisions for each unique patient are made!

Smile Makeovers

A smile makeover allows us at Desert Sage Family Dental to restore a natural and beautiful smile through restorative and cosmetic dental procedures. Dr. Teiman is dedicated to creating customized treatment plans to meet the needs and wants of her patients!

Smile makeovers can include a number of procedures to enhance the overall aesthetic appearance of teeth and gums: teeth whitening, dental implants, veneers, tooth-colored fillings, bonding and contouring, laser gum sculpting, and more. With our customized treatment plans, we can ensure our patients receive the results they’re after — the ones that will make them want to smile!

Schedule your smile makeover consultation to learn more about how we can craft a custom plan to meet all of your dental needs. With our help, you can receive the smile you deserve!

Porcelain & Composite Veneers

At Desert Sage Family Dental, we offer porcelain dental veneers to patients who wish to correct and restore their smiles. Veneers are slim, custom-made covers that adhere directly to the front of the teeth to create a natural and beautiful-looking smile.

If you are experiencing any of the following concerns, then dental veneers could correct your smile:

  • Cracked or broken teeth
  • Stained, discolored, or yellow teeth
  • Crooked teeth
  • Gaps between teeth

Since Dr. Teiman is dedicated to helping you get the results you desire, she offers a trial smile, which is a temporary, tooth-colored mockup designed to look just like your permanent new smile. With your trial smile, you have a preview of what your new and improved smile will look like. It also allows you and Dr. Teiman to revise your smile before finalizing it to guarantee all of your goals are met.

Dental Implants

Are you missing any teeth? At Desert Sage Family Dental, many of our patients ask whether we place implants, and the answer is yes! Regardless of how many you might be missing, or how long you’ve been missing them, we have options to fill in the gaps left behind. To provide our patients with the best, most comprehensive care possible all under one roof, Desert Sage Family Dental partners with Melina Ghods, DMD, who specializes in permanent tooth restoration using various dental implants

here with us in Phoenix, AZ!

With dental implants, you can receive long-lasting and natural-looking results. By using titanium posts implanted into the jawbone where luminous crowns can then be attached, implants require no dietary restrictions and are built to last for life.

We offer a variety of implants so that no matter your unique needs, we have you covered. Our most popular options are single dental implants, All-on-4® dental implants, and implant-supported dentures or overdentures.

Because every person is different, and everyone’s smile is unique, we can recommend a path forward after meeting with you to assess your particular needs.

Teeth Whitening with Zoom!

Over time, stains and discoloration can occur on teeth for a number of reasons. Common causes include eating dark or staining foods, tobacco use, medication, and advanced age. Fortunately, our team offers a speedy, effective whitening solution with Zoom teeth whitening treatments!

Zoom® teeth whitening allows Dr. Teiman to safely remove unwanted stains and discoloration from the teeth, using a special whitening paste. Your smile can become 6-10 shades whiter in just one quick, comfortable treatment! For your convenience, we also offer this professional teeth whitening system as a take-home kit. That way, you can restore your smile to its former glory from the comfort of your own home. We'll provide the custom trays and refills!

Clear Teeth Aligners

Desert Sage Family Dental offers custom Invisalign® teeth aligners, also known as smile aligners, for patients who are looking to straighten and reposition their smiles. Since they’re removable and nearly invisible, patients tend to prefer this option over traditional orthodontics.

We know that crowded teeth can be a challenge to keep clean, leading to issues such as periodontal or gum disease. That means straightening your teeth is about health as well as appearance. And to maximize your comfort through the process, we use a high-tech iTero scanner — no goopy impressions needed!

Questions About Our Cosmetic Dentistry Services in Phoenix, AZ?

Are you ready to reveal your best, brightest smile? Call Desert Sage Family Dental today to schedule your cosmetic dentistry consultation!

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7:00AM - 4:00PM
7:00AM - 4:00PM
8:00AM - 5:00PM
7:00AM - 4:00PM
*8:00AM - 12:00PM
*One per month

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